UCSF Health Improvement Poster Symposium

March 19, 2024

Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce the 8th Annual UCSF Health Improvement Poster Symposium. It will be held on Friday, May 31st, 3-5 pm at the Mission Bay Conference Center. Please save the date!

For the past few years, this event has generated close to 200 posters across UCSF (you can view last year’s submissions here). It is a wonderful recognition of improvement efforts and the teams who drive them and a fantastic forum to spread innovation and best practices throughout our institution. We are especially excited to celebrate colleagues who have not previously submitted or presented a poster.

Please share this call for poster submission with your teams, colleagues, and others. The key details are included below. Whether or not you submit a poster, we hope you’ll save the date on your calendars to attend and celebrate the work of our teams. The electronic poster submission deadline is Wednesday, May 1st, 2024.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Best regards,

Amy Lu, MD MPH
Chief Quality Officer, UCSF Health

Lei Choi, MD MPH
Medical Director, Continuous Improvement, UCSF Health

Josh Adler, MD
Chief Clinical Officer, UCSF Health

Call for Poster Submissions: Share Your Improvement Work!

Why are we hosting our 8th Annual Improvement Poster Symposium? The opportunities to learn from each other, share best practices and innovations, and build a community for improvement work are critically important for our patients and the success of UCSF Health. This is true now more than ever as we recover from the pandemic. An annual poster symposium provides a vehicle to recognize great work and foster our culture for continuous improvement.

What types of improvement work should be submitted? All improvement work is welcome, and we encourage them to align with our True North pillars:

  • Patient Experience (e.g., improving communication, care experience, patient and family engagement, etc.)
  • Quality & Safety (e.g., improving clinical outcomes or reducing harm)
  • Our People (e.g., improving provider and staff experience)
  • Financial Strength (e.g., cost-saving initiatives)
  • Strategic Growth (e.g., increasing access, building new partnerships)
  • Learning Health System (e.g., trainee-led initiatives, advancing knowledge, health services and QI research, etc.)

We are also highlighting special themes: Health Equity (e.g., identifying and eliminating disparities) and Digital Health (e.g., technology solutions)

Who is invited to submit projects for the symposium? Any provider, nurse, staff, or trainee (e.g., students, residents, fellows, postdocs) who worked on a project within a UCSF Health setting is encouraged to submit a poster. Projects that have already been presented at other conferences are welcome. This event is an inclusive opportunity to celebrate teams and their work within our UCSF Health community.

How do we submit our team’s project for the symposium? We’ve attached a poster template to guide you in sharing the desired content. Please ensure you can complete all components of this template (including Project Results and Impact). This format is in a size and format that is most cost- and space-efficient for printing. Requiring this poster template is the best way to assure we can accommodate all poster submissions in our event space.

What is the deadline for submission? Use this link to electronically submit your team information and poster by Wednesday, May 1st. This will allow time for the planning team to print and organize all posters, prepare the symposium space, and create a great experience for everyone.

When is the poster symposium and reception? The event will be hosted in person on Friday, May 31st from 3-5 pm at the UCSF Mission Bay Conference Center. Additional details about the event will be shared closer to its date.